Commún, a multicultural sanctuary, is set to grow within the historic Loretto Heights neighborhood starting this year. Their recent announcement of a $20 million EPA grant to establish a resiliency hub provides the latest impetus for renovating the aging yet beautiful college campus.
Commún is a multicultural organization that provides food programming, case management assistance, mental health, community organizing, and economic vitality services, including language education and digital and technical support. The community includes Athmar Park, Harvey Park, Mar Lee, Bear Valley, Westwood, Ruby Hill, College View Harvey Park South, the City of Sheridan, and the Loretto Heights campus.
Commún announced January 11 with crowds, their community, and local government to celebrate their new EPA grant that will allow them to break ground, begin building, and develop community space in Machebeuf Hall on the campus.
Their involvement is merely a portion of the 72 acres sold to Westside Investment Partners in 2017. Other project contributors include Denver Arts & Venues, which plans to renovate the "historic theatre and former library on the Loretto Heights Campus, creating a new cultural hub in southwest Denver," according to the DAV's website.

With communities from all over Latin America and the Middle East, the organization is fulfilling its promise to provide belonging in a time of much-needed support for residents of Southwest Denver.
Co-founders Martha Lopez, Margaret Brugger, and Andrea Savage, together with their team and numerous community members who help operate a weekly food share feeding hundreds, are revolutionizing community development from within, beginning with the concept of belonging as they work to address the broader needs of the neighborhood.
Currently, South Federal remains a center for diverse cultures, and the resiliency hub is intended to assist individuals seeking support during climate-related emergencies like the summer heat and severe winter cold.
Mental health is a core focus at Commún, offering multilingual support across all aspects of case management, from basic needs services to sociological, cultural, and mental health assistance during significant unrest.
Announcements regarding the renovation timeline are forthcoming, but they are currently planning a cooperative construction process. This involves engaging local contractors and professionals to build and foster wealth, sustainability, and connection within the local community.
More stories by the Denver Foundation about Commún: https://denverfoundation.org/2024/10/commun-building-belonging-and-resilience-in-southwest-denver/
More about Commún and their campaign to reinvigorate the Loretto Heights campus this year here: